Dear Parents and Carers,
Primary 6 have been working hard to prepare for their Burns Performance which takes place on January 23rd. They have been enthusiastically auditioning for parts and learning poetry and songs. The children have supported and encouraged each other to develop confidence during rehearsals. We are all looking forward to the night and can’t wait to perform in front of an audience!
Our literacy has been based around Learning Scots language and understanding some of Burns most famous poems, Address T The Haggis and To A Mouse. We have created our own Scots glossary to help us translate the vocabulary.
In topic we have been researching about the life of Robert Burns and also understanding why it is important to remember and celebrate his work.
During music Mrs Morrison has been teaching us Scottish songs that we will perform on the night!
Congratulations to Ena, who was nominated as our hot chocolate winner this week!
Have a super weekend.
Mrs Lea and Primary 6A.