Dear Parents,
Here’s an update on what P7A have been up to for the last couple of weeks…
On the 22nd of November we went up to the woodlands to make a fire. At the fire place we where writing about our book on book week which was The Lorax. When we were writing Mr McGurn gave us marshmallows and cookies to make smores. When we got back to class we got hot cocoa to warm us up.
On the 25th of November we had SNSA tests, first we did maths, it was kinda hard, then we done reading, it was medium and the last on was writing, and it was hard. When people were getting to the end of their SNSA they played Sumdog for the West Lothian Competition, which we SJO P7A got first in!!!! The people in the top ten were Aarya, Francesca, Nikola and Vijval and they all got a certificate and all people that finished 1000 questions got a treat.
On the 5th of December we went up to Deans Woods to make a shelter out of leaves and sticks. We got into groups of 3-6 and found a place to start. Everybody’s shelters were outstanding, we are hoping they stay up until next week so we can continue working hard on them. When we came back to class we washed our hands, wiped our feet, packed our bags and went home.
Our hot chocolate winner this week was Lili, last week was Jacob and the week before that was Nikola.
Written by Emili and Nikola.