St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P6B – WB 02.12.24


Dear Readers,

We hope you’re all very well.

At school things are getting more and more Christmassy and this week we have already had our yummy Christmas Lunch, which is always a joyful occasion! We got to dress our favourite Christmas clothes and had a very good day since Mrs Valente surprised us by showing us The Lorax – the film. Although we had to be on task to spot all the differences and similarities between the film and the book we still had time to enjoy ourselves a lot with all the jokes and sarcasm of the film! 🌳🌳🌳😂

Other highlights of the week were:

  • Continuing ou Elsewhere Emporium, which is crazily interesting, and working on our spelling words from it.
  • Continuing working on Word problems with addition, subtraction and multiplication.
  • Working very hard on the timestables, from the 2s to the 10s and trying to know all of them.
  • Continue our learning about Tsunamis and the impact they can have on the affected places.
  • Researching and reporting back to class about Earthquakes, the different parts of the Earth, why do earthquakes happen, the Richter scale, how it works and the impact earthquakes can have on people and places affected. As there was an earthquake of 7.0 with a tsunami alert following it in California just yesterday, we have read the news about it and understood even better how serious the situation can be. Fortunately the tsunami alert was cancelled an hour later and nobody got hurt in the earthquake but we could see how things are in real life situations and found it very interesting.
  • As we have been learning about the Discussion as a different type of text we had to plan our own discussion. It was not easy because Mrs Valente has chosen a really controversial topic : Should Zoos exist? We had the opportunity to watch 2 different clips where various experts in animals and animal welfare talked about the pros and cons and after that had to plan according to everything that we had found out about it. It was very interesting but a bit difficult for some.
  • From Monday, we have been celebrating daily the season of Advent. We started by having a beautiful Advent Service in the upper area prepared by P7A and continued with our daily digital Advent calendar from where we get lovely readings, hymns and prayers to help us celebrate this important season. Our Altar is now dressed in purple to show that we are preparing and reflecting on how to be the best versions of ourselves.♥ We have also discussed the importance of the Advent wreath and what it symbolises, as well as the meaning of each of the candles in it.
  • The week has ended with our usual spelling assessment and we hope to get great scores!
  • The Crusty Crabs deserve congratulations for being the winning table of the week! Well done!🏆👏 Although we had 3 tables with the same score, the Cheese and the Coconuts have been left behind for being huge chatterboxes!! Always remember to be Ready, Respectful and Safe!
  • Many congratulations to Alexa, our Hot Chocolate of the week for  being kind, helpful, caring and for her good work this week! Well done, Alexa!🥇🎉✨

That’s all for now, we say goodbye wishing everyone a happy and safe weekend!

P6B and Mrs Valente😘😘

P.S. Thank you very much for all your kind donations to the Foodbank! They will be very much appreciated and will help to make Christmas better to lots of people!😃🎄

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