Welcome families of P4A!
This week P4A have been working very hard.
Throughout this week they have started some social dancing in PE. This was very enjoyable and lots of the children showed great dancing skills. This is part of the preparation for our school Christmas party in a couple of weeks.
Aadya: “I liked the heel toe part, that was the best”
They have continued with their description writing genre and are proving to be very good at using their describing bubble and adjectives to describe items, people and places.
P4A have also worked very hard over the past few weeks within their money topic in maths. They have shown great progress and are able to add and subtract values up to £10.
On Thursday P4A completed some camouflage butterflies and placed them around the classroom. They were so well done that they were hidden and Miss Maxwell could not find them because they were so well detailed and blended in so well!
Deveena:“I liked when we did the butterflies because they are my favourite insect”
P4A also did some fact files about a country that they chose all by themselves and they showed great prior knowledge and research skills.
Alicja: “I loved learning about Poland because my family live there”
On Friday P4A celebrated St Andrews day with some Irn Bru and shortbread. Some Scottish classics to celebrate the patron saint of our country.
Abeeha: “I had such a fun day celebrating and learning about St Andrew”
A huge thanks to all pupils for helping me organise our class for Christmas!
Remember we have our Christmas Fayre- 1st of December 11-1 in the school.
Our hot chocolate winner is Angel- Well done!
Have a great weekend everyone.
Miss Maxwell