This week P4A have really enjoyed their Book Week celebrations. They have had the opportunity to try lots of new books and explore many genres and stories.
P4A have spent time in all 4 classes in the middle area this week, working on different tasks that each teacher in P4A,B and P5A and b have created for them. They have shown great manners and been every respectful when they have been working with those in other classes. They have set a great example and I am very proud.
Our reading champion this week Jiade has been showing amazing reading skills this week as always. Keep up the great work!
We had some book tasting on Wednesday morning where we got the opportunity to try reading some new books that we perhaps wouldn’t opt for normally. P4A discovered lots of new words within these books and jotted them down.
The Lorax has been our focus and everyone has really worked hard in implementing the Lorax into lots of different curricular areas. P4A have been very creative and made some beautiful art work which is displayed outside our classroom for everyone to see.
P4A also have composed a few stories along with the rest of the school as part of book week. They have written chapters and added them into the collaborative stories. We cannot wait to hear them when they are finished!
The hot chocolate winner this week goes to Riley
Well done for working so hard and setting a great example this week.
Have a fantastic weekend P4A!
Thank you for another fun week!
Miss Maxwell