Dear Parents and Carers,
Primary 6 has been involved in lots of different activities for World Book week, It has been busy but great fun! Most of our lessons have been based on the ” Lorax” by Dr Seuss.
Our class buddied up with P1/2 and had fun reading stories to them. Primary 6 loved doing this and are keen to do this regularly!!
In our reading comprehension activities, we learned about Dr Seuss and what inspired him to become a writer. Our spelling words were also taken from the Lorax book.
We had great fun completing our collaborative books throughout the week, it was interesting to see what each class had written in the previous chapter!
The reader leaders organised a competition where we had to design an alternative book cover for the Lorax.
The upper area offered different activities based on the Lorax, we experienced baking, art and drama. Each day we had a different teacher and that was good fun! We are have taken lots of photographs and are going to record them in a digital format to enter a competition!
Our class visited Primary 3 to help them design and create maths board games. We plan to help them again as it was really successful and enjoyable!
Congratulations to Sophia who was our hot chocolate winner this week!
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Lea and Primary 6A