St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7 Weekly Update


Dear Parents,

Here’s an update of what we did this week in P7A by Lead Learners Vijval and Ayden…

Monday we learned about Rube Goldberg Machines, we used materials such as dominos, marble runs and string to make machines with more than one step.

On Tuesday we did drama in drama we did alibis where you had make a story up and people ask questions and the vote if you think they were innocent or guilty.

Wednesday we did mock court were people had to make an adjustments to initial writs and make some evidence.

Thursday we learned from  Mr McGurn how to use flint and steel and the fire triangle which consists of fuel, air and heat.

On Friday a visitor, Mr Murphy, from Mock Court came and told us more about mock court and some evidence we could use.


Have a great weekend,

Vijval, Ayden, P7 and Mr McGurn


PS Our hot chocolate at home winner this week was Xylie.

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