St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P6B WB 04.11.24 and 11.11.24


Dear Readers,

We hope you are all well.

These weeks have not been easy for many of us because of the huge amount of different germs and viruses wandering around and attacking, not only our children but also most of our staff. Because of that, we have decided to post now the highlights from both weeks, so that you don’t miss out on some of the greatest things we have done in class!

Here are some of the highlights from both weeks:

  • We have continued our Spelling, Reading and Reading Comprehension work on the Nowhere Emporium, which the whole class are crazy about and, due to many requests, have finished the book on Friday last week!βœ¨πŸŽ‰It was absolutely brilliant and we could not have been more excited about it! But, of course, as soon as Mrs Valente came back this Thursday, one of the first things she was asked about was: ‘ Are we going to read the next book, The Elsewhere Emporium’??? When??πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ So… We started reading it yesterday and it’s already getting super interesting!
  • In Maths and Numeracy, we have been focussed on 2 and 3d shapes, their properties and nets and also to subtraction work. We have revised all our subtraction facts, discussed our best subtraction strategies and brainstormed all the words connected to subtraction that will give us clues of what to do when we see them in instructions or word problems. Of course we have also solved lots of up to 5 digits subtraction sums!
  • The two listening comprehension tasks about our super interesting topic, one about Everyday life in Ancient Greece and the City states and the other one about The Legacy of Ancient Greece. By learning about these, we have understood even better how important the Ancient Greek civilisation was. Not everything was good, of course, but they did have lots of good ideas which are still being used by all of us today. Science, Mathematics and Architecture are examples of areas where they were pioneers and which still use their findings until today. We were all very sorry to finish our topic on The Ancient Greek civilisation but we are also happy that we have learned many important and interesting things about it and will be sure to continue wanting to learn more in the future!😊
  • Our new Topic is Extreme Earth and we are also very excited about it! We have named all the things that we would like to learn about and have started by studying Volcanoes, something that seems to interest everyone! We have done our research in pairs and had to report back what we had found to answer to the questions Mrs. Valente had asked. It was super! This week, we have focussed on the artistic side of the volcanoes and, within groups, have made our own models with card and paper.
  • We ended up this week with Free Writing Friday and a special focus on Anti Bullying Week 24, having discussed the definition of bullying, as well as what we can do in practical terms to prevent it from happening around us: in our school, groups and community. We know that people who are left out are more vulnerable to bullies so we thought that making sure nobody is being left out around us will be a good starting point. Making good choices regarding our own behaviour is also something very much needed. Finally, we spoke about the main types of bullying : verbal, physical and cyber and discussed how much cyber bullying has been affecting so many people’s Mental Health and how dangerous it is because it is hidden and most of the times people are ashamed to talk about it.
  • It’s now time to congratulate our Hot Chocolates of the two weeks, Miss Mariam and Miss Ishani S for their kindness, respect and for always helping anyone who needs! Well done Mariam πŸŽ‰πŸ₯‡πŸ‘πŸ˜˜and Well done Ishani SπŸ‘πŸŽ‰πŸ₯‡βœ¨! We are all very proud of you!

That’s all for today, we say goodbye for now wishing you a wonderful weekend!β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯

P6B and Mrs Valente😘😘

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