We have had a great week in primary 2, with lots of learning and lots of fun!
In literacy we learned the ‘ea’ sound and worked super hard reading and writing our common words. We continued our Dinosaur topic and enjoyed writing descriptive stories about the Diplodocus.
On Wednesday we went to Mass at St Peter’s Church. All of the children showed excellent behaviour throughout.
We created beautiful poppies in art, for remembrance day. The children were all very respectful during our 2 minute silence.
Weekly Highlights
Alfie and Ellie – We liked writing about Dinosaurs.
Daniel – I liked learning about money.
Alex – I really enjoy choosing my own learning. I love building!
Leighton -I liked having a partner for the scavenger hunt in the woodlands.
Huge Congratulations to Garvit, our hot chocolate winner and Ollie, our Reading Champion. Well done boys!
Have a lovely weekend!