St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P1 Weekly Learning Highlights 15th November 2024


We have had another busy week in P1.  This week we have been learning the sound ‘o’.  We can recall words that begin with ‘o’ and have been practising the formation of ‘o’.  We made an octopus to take home and teach our families about ‘o’.  We completed a reading cvc word task we worked on sounding out the letters and then sliding the sounds together to make words.

This week we looked at a picture and made predictions about what might happen next.

In Maths and Numeracy we looked at money coins to £2.  We can recognise coins and order them from smallest amount to largest amount.  We used the ipads for an interactive game and money worksheets.  We also got to handle coins.

For our topic we had lots of fun measuring the length of some dinosaurs and how many of our feet we could fit into a T-rex foot print.

We celebrated Remembrance Day on Monday.  We took part in a 2 minute silence and we made a poppy to take home and also one to join together to make a class wreath.

In Religion We listened to the story of Noah’s Ark and helped to sort the animals into pairs.


This week was Anti Bullying Week.  Some of us wore odd socks and we designed our own odd socks.  We discussed the qualities of a good friend and how we can show kindness to each other.

Wednesday was World Kindness Day we made a kindness poster to help spread kindness.

Today Friday all the Primary Ones went to Church to Friday Mass.  Our teachers were very proud of how well we behaved.


This week we have started preparing for our Christmas Nativity.  We have been learning some amazing songs and we can’t wait for you to hear them at our Christmas show.


Tiara ‘I liked playing in the area’

Cerys ‘I liked going to Church’

Arush ‘I liked playing’

Lena ‘I liked making the octopus’

Felix ‘I liked playing with the home corner in the area’

Daniel ‘I liked having extra playtime’


Well done to Alfie our Hot Chocolate winner and congratulations to Lena our Reading Champion.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


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