St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5 Week Beginning 4th November 2024


Apologies but it appears that I did not press ‘save’ after recording the children’s learning highlights of the week.  I will ask them again on Monday and update this post.  Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the photos below which capture some of the learning experiences P5B had this week.

I hope you have a great weekend!


Hello families of P5B!

Here are our highlights this week as recorded by the Yellow table:

Ella and Michael both enjoyed the handball festival.  I feel our school really stood out among the other schools as being strong players with super teamwork!

Aayush and Moeez  loved when we lit light bulbs using electricity created by mini handheld solar panels.  First we lit them indoors using artificial light (torches and lamps) and then we went outside and used the sunlight.  We noticed that the bulbs were much brighter with the sunlight.

Daniel has been enjoying working with this team to continue to plan and design products for our Enterprise Showcase.

Ksawery liked using a QR code to access learning about saints.  He chose St Mark and St Kinga of Poland.  He researched their feast days and read up a bit about their lives.

Ellie-May said that the highlight of her week was our lessons on Money Week.  P5B completed a Reciprocal Reading activity on this topic.  Ellie-May found it interesting to learn about the history of money.

Alex loved measuring out and drawing longbows with chalk in the playground.  Longbows, over 6ft, were used by the English in the Battle of Falkirk.  Unfortunately, Scotland were defeated.

Nathan also loved learning about money.  He predicts that everyone will have access to more money in the future and there will be no more poverty in the world.  What a lovely idea!  I hope it is true Nathan.

Aeryn-Leigh’s learning highlight was when the class worked in groups to measure the amount of electricity produced in relation to cloud coverage.  We physically saw the results by using a multi-meter voltage measuring instrument.  The more clouds there were, the less electricity was produced by the mini solar panels.

My highlight were the Money Week lessons.  We had such interesting discussions about bartering.  I told the children a true story about when my father was a boy and how his family traded eggs for fish with neighbours up in the hills.  Towards the end of the week, we talked about what we think the future of money will look like.  The most creative idea came from Daniel who thinks money will be delivered to us using drones (if we cannot get to a cash point).  Only time will tell!

Congratulations to our hot chocolate award winner, Ellie-May!

Mrs Brown


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