St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

W/E 08/11/2024



Welcome families of P4A!

We had a super time at the Riverside Museum on Wednesday. Here are some photos from the great time that we had.

Well done for working hard again this week P4A and representing our school so well by showing great manners and listening skills whilst at our trip. You followed our school rules of Ready, Respectful, Safe very well and I am so proud.

Here are some pupil opinions of their trip…

Linda “I liked making the inventions with lots of different materials”

Riley “I liked seeing all of the old fashioned cars like the Porche 911”

Rory “I liked the live show about the boats that were built at Glasgow”

Skyler “I loved being in groups and going on the toy car machine”

Deveena “I liked making our own inventions, I made a flying chair”


Our hot chocolate winner of the week goes to Ethan. Well done!

Have a great weekend!.

Miss Maxwell



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