St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 3 Learning Highlights 8th November


This week in Primary 3 has been full of great fun and lots of learning. Our trip on Wednesday was a huge success, with the children all having a great day. During our workshop we went to an Egyptian market, and got to have a look at all the things we would see, find and smell there. Then we rowed our boats down the river Nile and even got to give our favourite gifts to our excellent Pharaohs during a gift-giving ceremony. We got to explore the Egyptian exhibition in the museum and even had some time to take a walk through the animals and have some play time.

Throughout our other days in school, we have been reading a new book ‘How to be a Viking’ all about Hiccup the Viking. We read through a poem and highlighted all of our rhyming words, the poem was ‘One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish’ by Dr. Seuss, which was a big hit.

Numeracy and maths learning this week was all about estimating, we drew big number lines from 0-100 and we estimated in our pairs where a group of numbers would be on the number line. We also had a look at our NESW compass points and played an active game guessing where each one would be, as well as using a World map to point out countries in different areas.

We created lovely bonfire artwork using the leaves we collected from the playground, we made sure to only pick up leaves which were already on the ground, and ones with autumn colours. We have also been practicing super hard for our assembly and we are excited to keep working on it on the run up to the assembly.

Well done to our Hot Chocolate winner this week Luca!

Well Done to our Secret Student winner this week Cameron!

Well done to everyone in Primary 3 and 3/2 for being Awesome Ogilvie’s and representing our school so well during our trip. We are very proud of all of you.

Can I please remind everyone to bring their reading books with them on Fridays, if you didn’t bring it today please bring it in on Monday.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Miss Duddy.

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