St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 8th November 2024


In Health and Wellbeing, we were learning about firework safety. We were very good at discussing the different pictures from the story of Firefighter Fred’s Firework Safety Show and we were able to say how we were going to keep ourselves safe. We also practised Stop, Drop and Roll to put out fires on our clothes.

As part of talk money week, we have been learning about different coins. We can recognise most coins and can order them from the smallest to biggest value. Ask us our strategy for how we remember the order. We have set up a shop in our classroom and we have enjoyed using the toy money to pay for things. Some people even made price tickets for the shop. We enjoyed playing games on the Smartboard to pay for items using pennies and some people challenged themselves by using lots of different coins to pay for things in the game.

In Literacy, we have been learning the sounds ‘k’ and ‘ck’. We wrote a super sentence using our common words and sounds that we know and we tried very hard to write the k the correct way. We have used the magnetic letters to make words.

In RE, we have been learning The Eternal Rest prayer. We have started preparations for our Nativity performance and we enjoyed hearing some of the script and songs.

For Topic this week we were learning the names of different dinosaurs and we had to guess the dinosaur from the clues. We were very confident in guessing which one would appear and remembered a lot about carnivores and herbivores.

During Outdoor Learning, we used the magnetic letters to spell out words on the green sheds and we played some games to practise our addition skills. We had fun on the bikes and scooters too.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Harrison – I enjoyed using the aquabeads in the area.

Halliw – I enjoyed writing a sentence.

Niamh – I enjoyed playing in the shop.

Tyler –  I enjoyed reading books.

Zenith – I enjoyed playing in the shop.

Danvith – I enjoyed doing PE.

Zac – I enjoyed learning about dinosaurs.

Miss Stebbing – I was very impressed with how hard everyone tried to say ‘My name is…’ in Spanish. Everyone tried to say it correctly and some people helped others if they were a bit unsure.

Congratulations to Martha who is this week’s Hot Chocolate winner. She always works hard and helps other people if they need it.

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