Dear Parents,
On Tuesday at drama the class plated a game called alibies where two students went out the room to think of an alibi while the rest of us were police officers and prepared questions to ask to see if they were lying. We really enjoyed it and want to play again.
On Wednesday we did a presentation of the mock court project. We were explaining what we had been doing in last couples of weeks. After the assembly our parents came to our class rooms to earn bonus points for our project.
On Thursday we visited a farm about to learn about grain, bees, about cutting the trees and using it for sustainable fuel, and how bees make pizza! There was a contest for guessing the weight of a tractor with logs, which weighed 11540 and I(Vijval) was only 53 kilograms off!
On Friday we started the day by looking at Ted Hughes poems. Next we wrote a recount writing plan about the farm after that we learned history about Christmas Day 1914 in WW1 in an online history lesson from St. Margaret’s Academy. Finally we had fun Friday and then we went home.
Have a great weekend from Leo, Vijval, P7A and Mr McGurn
PS This week’s hot chocolate winner was Emily Drummond