Hello to our P4A families!
We have had a super week of hard work and of course lots of fun too.
Throughout this week we focused on our new genre of writing which is procedure writing. P4A shared great step by step writing pieces about how they make popcorn. Some of the great work is displayed below.
Primary 4A also had the opportunity to trial our new Better Thinking Classrooms approach, which promotes the children to problem solve, think, communicate and work in a pair or trio to complete the problem.
Laura said that this task “really made her brain work” which we love to hear as she tried so hard to complete the question.
Ethan used his mental maths and knowledge of multiplication to help him battle the problem.
Alicja also worked very hard by trying lots of different ways to answer the question until she reached her correct answer.
Our hot chocolate winner of this week goes to Bodhini- she always tries her very best and is a super friend to everyone in the class. Well done Bodhini!
P4A have shown great engagement with their topic, Scottish Inventors and we look forward to welcoming you all to our assembly in the coming weeks.
Another great week, Well done P4A
Miss Maxwell