Hello families of P4A!
Welcome to our Glow Blog!.
Over the past three weeks we have been settling back into our routine and working super hard alongside our new teachers Miss Maxwell and Mr Pentland. We have completed some amazing work and we have begun displaying this on our walls.
We have generated our classroom expectations and designed our class charter which we have also displayed in our room to highlight what we believe makes a great, equitable and safe classroom for all.
Some of our highlights from the past three weeks;
Linda shared a great writing piece when we completed our ‘Letters to our future self’. Here she showed she has retained knowledge of what we should always include in our writing such as good grammar and punctuation. Well done Linda!
Zion showcased his incredible maths skills as we played some interactive games on the board which help us revise our multiplication. Amazing work Zion!
Tiwa and Bodhini, both of our new starts have settled in well to our classroom and are great friends to all of the children in the class. We are delighted to have them join us as part of our family at St John Ogilvie.
Our hot chocolate winner of week 2- Diana- For always being so kind to everyone and for consistently focusing on her work.
Our hot chocolate winner of week 3 – Caiden- For being responsible and making good choices and also completing his work to an amazing standard!. Keep up the great work Caiden!.
P4A have spent some time in the nursery over the past two weeks, to which they really enjoyed and took great pride in being positive role models for their younger peers.
Miss Maxwell really enjoyed meeting some of the parents at meet the teacher and is looking forward to working alongside them as the year goes on.
P4A have established a firm routine of which we will carry into next week as we progress to following on our curriculum and kick starting our P4 work for the year!
Well done P4A keep up the hard work!