St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5B Week Beginning 12th August 2024


Hello families of P5B!

We have had a great first week back after the holidays.  It has been so lovely getting to know your wonderful children and I hope they have enjoyed their first week back to school as much as I have!  Each week one of the tables (there are 3) will share their highlights of the week.  Here are our highlights this week as recorded by the Yellow table:

Daniel said the best part of his week was playing ‘Clap, Snap’.  The children followed the instructions: ‘clap, snap, head, shoulders’ etc and then when the teacher said “cone”, they had to try and grab the cone that was in between them and their partner.  Whoever grabbed it first, won!

Alex  enjoyed ‘Choosing our own Learning Time’ and made an impressive 3D construct with construction straws.  Super teamwork guys!

Nathan’s highlight was playing Dodgeball with Mrs Lafferty.  Mrs Lafferty will have the children for PE on Fridays and I will have them on Wednesdays.

Ellie-May enjoyed the game were the children went into pairs and one person drew on their partner’s back, while the other person drew what they felt.  The pictures were then compared.   Afterwards, they moved on to writing words in the same way.  It was definitely a class favourite.

Vinayakarthik liked a game were the children had to give one another clues of a zoo animal they were thinking of and the class had to guess.  There were some very cryptic clues in this game!

Aayush loved playing with the marble run.  He and his friend made some complex runs!  Impressive guys!

Michael’s favourite activity was a game involving skittles.  Each child chose a skittle and then had to stand up when their colour was called and answer a question.  Michael’s colour was asked, “Would you rather be a tiny horse or an enormous chicken?”

Moeez  enjoyed a maths lesson this week were the children had to make as many number combinations as they could, first from 3 digit numbers and then 4 digit numbers.  They discovered that 6 combinations could be made each time using each digit at the start.  They also learned from Ksawery, the most effective strategy for recording these combinations.  Thank you Ksawery!

Ksawery loved music with Mrs Morrison, were the children were learning about bagpipes and found out that the world championship for bagpipes happens each year in Glasgow and some of SJO’s own past pupils are world champions!!!

My highlight has been hard to pick this week.  I think it has to be the RE lesson when we recapped on the Bible stories the children could recall from previous learning.  We talked about the importance of thinking of the meaning of the words of prayers we say.  The children examined the words of the Hail Mary prayer.  We had some interesting discussion about the meaning of, “…and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.”

Meet the Teacher

On Wednesday, it is Meet the Teacher day!  I look forward to welcoming you in to our classroom if you are free to attend.  Any information given out that afternoon will be sent home for those unable to attend.


It would be super if the children could bring in recyclable materials from home now and again to keep our recyclables box topped up, as the children have enjoyed making things from these during ‘Choosing our own Learning Time’.  Also, we have a craft table that has bits and bobs on in for imaginative art creations.  Any donations throughout the year to keep this topped up would also be appreciated.  Some examples could be: feathers, pipe cleaners, sparkles, bubble wrap, ribbon etc.


Homework will not be given out for the first couple of weeks and will then be issued via Teams.  If you are having any difficulty logging on to Teams or accessing Teams, please let our office staff know.

Our blog will be updated over the weekend, so please keep an eye out for it and I hope you enjoy reading about some of the learning experiences your child had that week and enjoy looking at and discussing some of the photos!  Remember that a quick way to find P5B, is to use the filter on the right hand side of the screen.

I hope you have a great weekend!
Mrs Brown

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