Dear Readers,
We hope you are all very well!
There’s only one thing to be said about this week: Best Week Ever!
This was exactly what the children said throughout the week!
The super highlights were:
- Practising for Talent Show.
- Winning the final of the Middle Area Talent Show and getting to be chosen to represent P5 in the Talent Show Showcase!
- The trips to the Glasgow Science Centre and back to school, during which all laughed and sang the whole time! The class song ‘I am a mountain’ by Sam Ryder and ‘The wheels on the bus’ were the favourites!
- The visit itself to Glasgow Science Centre, of which we have absolutely enjoyed every minute.
- The Big Talent Show Showcase where the pupils belonging to the P5A Choir have been cheered and praised by all for their initiative, beautiful singing, drumming and gymnastics!
- Fun Day, which was SUPER! Our class were the luckiest of all, winning most of the prizes from Fun Day! Wow!
- Finally, many Congratulations to Mr Liam and Miss Ailsa for being the Hot Chocolates of the last two weeks and for showing everyone how to be Ready, Respectful and Safe!
That’s all for this week, we hope you have felt at home at least a tiny bit of the happiness that we all felt in school!
P5A and Mrs Valente