St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A – WB 10.06.24


Dear Readers,

We hope you are all well, in spite of the rainy sad weather.

Last week in P5A was very different from the usual because of many things and these were its highlights:

  • We finished writing collaboratively our Recount and felt very much proud of our work!
  • We have continued our practice in multiplication and division.
  • Sports’ Day was the spotlight of the week and we would like to congratulate all children, parents, carers and staff for their incredible participation and support! Without all of you it would not have been such a great success!
  • Still regarding Sports’ Day, many special Congratulations to the winning house: St. Columba! Well done!🥇👏🏆✨
  • Regarding our topic The Olympics, we have learned all about where, when and how the Olympics have started, the gap between the Ancient Olympics and the Modern Olympics and also how these have been changing throughout the years. There is so much more to learn about this that we will need to keep working on it until the very end of Primary 5!
  • Since the well known and loved by all Talent Show is going to take place this coming Thursday, we have been given time to organise ourselves in the groups we have chosen to prepare the acts we have chosen, hoping people will enjoy them as much as we do.
  • Finally, we would like to congratulate the Chamber of Secrets Table for their great effort to keep everything organised and tidy during the week. Well done, Chamber!🏆👏

We say goodbye for now wishing all a wonderful and exciting week ahead, full of amazing and also different things!

P5A and Mrs  Valente 😘😘

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