St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A Week Beginning 3rd June


Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from blue table:

Grace was excited to meet her new teacher and loved discovering that she enjoys baking!

McPaul said the highlight of his week was football with Miss White.

Alicja and Chahiti both said they liked learning about the Olympics.  The children worked in partners to research a sport of their choice that is part of the 2024 Paris Olympics.  They have been gathering information that will then feed into an information poster.  The poster needs to include information on the history of that sport, the rules of the sport and also name some of the athletes that will be participating.  Alicja’s group and Chahiti’s group have chosen  ‘gymnastics’.  The children having been scanning a QR code that leads them to the following site:

Angel loved learning about basketball (links with Olympics).  The children learned that in basketball, you dribble with your fingertips.  They tried drippling with both hands in turn and both looking at and away from the ball while traveling with it.  The also learned to manoeuvre the ball in a v shape.  This will help if they play the game with an opponent.  Next week they are going to learn how to shoot the ball in to the net.

Rory liked  writing a letter to his new teacher.  The letters included at least, their name, about their family, what they feel their strengths are and what they would like help with in P4.  They also asked the teacher questions.

Lead Learners were Caiden and Rory.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Caiden – “I liked measuring with a ruler.”

Rory – “I liked football with Miss White.”

My highlight was basketball.  The children listened well to the basketball coach on the big screen and then tried hard to follow his instructions.  Mrs Brown discovered she wasn’t too bad at playing herself when she was demonstrating how to take the ball off your opponent!

Congratulations to Hasika, our hot chocolate award winner this week.

It was great to have had the opportunity to have met with you lovely parents on Tuesday or Thursday night to discuss your marvellous children.  I cannot believe that we are nearing the end of our time together!



Mrs Brown



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