Dear Readers,
What a busy and exciting week we have all had!
These were just the highlights:
- In Literacy our focus this week was on the correct use of apostrophes, since the writing shows many of us still make mistakes while using them. We have had spelling words with apostrophes for most of us, oral work with apostrophes, written worksheets with apostrophes and our weekly spelling assessment with apostrophes as well! Let’s hope our use of apostrophes will improve a bit from now on!
- We continued working on the Recount, this time with the collective Recount of our Trip to St. Peter’s Church for Mass on Wednesday. We’re still half way because all of us are trying to participate and add details.
- In Maths, the week was all about multiplication and division again so we have done division of up to 4 digit numbers and many of us did that very well!
- We went to Mass on Wednesday morning with our friends from P5B and tried our best to understand and follow what Father Clement said.
- The 80th anniversary of D-Day was the perfect time to explain to all its importance within the Second World War effort and we were amazed to learn about how many people had been involved in its careful planning in many countries. This celebration has finished our Peace and War topic which will be followed by our last topic of P5: The Olympics.
- As we have had Parents’ evenings we have also had the chance to show off to the whole school community our Eco-School models which were all set in the Hall for people to take a look at. People said they looked amazing!
- To finish off an already very exciting week, we have met our new teachers today and found out that we will have Mrs Lea to teach us in Primary 6.
- We have also found out about our new Houses for Primary 6 and although we don’t know their names yet, we have had the opportunity to choose our House Captains for the next session 2024/2025.
All very exciting!
- Finally, we congratulate our Half- Blood Prince table for winning again the prize for best table of the week! Well done!
That’s all for today, we say goodbye for now wishing everyone a great weekend!
P5A and Mrs Valente