St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A Week Beginning 27th May


Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the yellow table:

Riley liked building a football pitch out of blocks and then playing with a marble for a ball and finger players.

Ollie said the best part of his week was when we went around the school measuring. First we estimated.  Ollie enjoyed measuring a corridor the best and his estimation was very close for a radiator.  Good work Ollie!

Aadya loved Benchball.  During June, our PE will be linked to summer games and the Olympics.

Ethan liked Rounders and loves to record the results in tally marks.

Vivien said her highlight was music with Mrs Morrison.  The class watched  A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream on Cbeebies (

Diana said she liked learning about the meaning of the words in The Confiteor Prayer.  P3A will be learning to say this prayer during the month of June and should then be able to participate in it during Mass.

Linda liked writing a non-fiction story called ‘The Surprise’ that she planned last week.  Her story is about how she was surprised in P1 when she found out her friend from nursery was going to be in her class in her new school!  That was a great surprise!   This super story included an ‘orientation’, ‘sequence of events’ and concluded with a ‘personal statement’; all the features of a recount.  Well done Linda.

Hasika loved completing an instructional drawing of 2 hands shaking. This was part of our learning about conflict resolution.

Laura enjoyed making a teamwork poster with Mrs Brand.

My highlight was the beautiful singing when we learned the hymn ‘Peace, Perfect Peace’ (

Congratulations to Rory, our hot chocolate award winner this week.

Lead Learners were Deveena and Hasika.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Deveena – “I liked saying the Rosary”

Hasika – “I liked making a dog’s house.”



Mrs Brown

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