St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A Week Beginning 20th May 2024


Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Red table:

Tvisha enjoyed handwriting this week were the children were joining h and a together.  They came up with lots of words when they may need to use these letters.  Well done P3A!  I hope to see them joined from now on in your writing.

Hafsah said the best part of her week was listening to the Word Boost story, ‘The Highway Rat’.  Her favourite word to learn about was ‘freedom’.  We discussed how the children have freedom each afternoon during ‘Choosing our own Learning’ time.

Deveena liked learning how the apostrophe can also be used to shorten two words such as can’t instead of can not.  Previously we had learned about it being used to show possession.

Zion was delighted to learn about the life cycle of a frog as his was the creature chosen to learn about life cycles in our class vote, after learning about the life cycle of a seed.  Please remember that you can post any photographs to Seesaw or the school office showing us how the plant your child took home is growing.

Jiade and Jack loved football outside with coach Steven.  Great ball skills everyone!

Twida and Caiden both said they enjoyed learning how to use the multiplication square to help them find answers during Maths.

My highlight was watching the children as they played football.  Even though the weather was miserable, everyone gave 100% and listened to the instructions well.

Congratulations to Tadiwa, our hot chocolate award winner this week.

Lead Learners were McPaul and Tadiwa.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

McPaul – “I liked planning for our writing called ‘The Surprise’.  I had a surprise before and it was my little brother being born.” As part of our learning about recounts (writing in the past tense), the children heard a story about a boy who received a toy box as a surprise.  They then planned to write about a surprise they once had.  We will write about this next week and use our planning sheet to support us.

Tadiwa – “I liked making the feelings poster with Mrs Brand.”



Mrs Brown

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