Primary 4 have had a great week with lots of new and exciting learning.! The children have been working very hard preparing for their First Holy Communion and are very excited ! Both classes have joined together to practise the hymns and it has been great fun! In Literacy, we have been learning about similes and we have had super fun creating our own sentences using them. In Numeracy, we have continued to develop our knowledge of fractions and how to find fractions of a whole number. We are all looking forward to preparing for our class assembly, based on the Olympic Games and takes place two weeks today! As the weather has become warmer, we have been trying to complete the daily mile each day helping to improve our concentration in class and our fitness levels! Here are some of our highlights:
Literacy – Aiden and John ” We enjoyed learning about similes.”
Numeracy – Ella ” I liked learning more about fractions.”
R.E – Suhanth- ” Learning about how Mary’s meals helps children all over the world was interesting.”
Topic- ” Julia and John” Researching countries competing in the Olympic games was interesting.”
We hope you have a super weekend!
Mrs Lea and Primary 4