This week Primary 4b have had lots of fun and taken part in lots of revision. For maths, we have revisited addition and subtraction, as well as rounding, to refresh our memories and remind us of how to do different sums. We have also been looking at money and discussing different coins and notes. In our literacy, we have had a heavy focus on grammar, revising past learned grammar rules. Paying close attention to detail with capital letters and full stops, as well as identifying nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs etc. The children have been reading their books as well as reading facts about space and Scotland and then answering questions about them!
We spent some time finishing our research for Scottish landmarks and feeding back information and reporting to the class. We have started athletics in PE and this week we looked at controlling our speed and the difference between jogging for long distance and sprinting for short distance.
Our sacramental children are doing well in preparing for their communion and the non-sacramental children are having fun learning about other world religions with Mrs Lea.
Well done to this weeks Hot Chocolate winner Georgia!
Well done to this weeks Secret Student Flynn!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend, Miss Duddy