St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 19/4/24


Dear parents and carers,

Primary 4 have had a busy but enjoyable week!

In literacy, we have been learning about contractions and how they are used to shorten words. We have also had fun identifying them in our class novel !

We have been identifying coins and learning strategies we can use to calculate change from £10.00.

During R.E lessons, we have been learning about other world religions and this our focus has been Hindu beliefs and traditions.

As the weather improves, we have  been trying to complete the daily mile each day! We are all feeling the benefit of this, in terms of concentration and energy levels !

Here are some of our learning highlights:

John/ Babafola- ” Optical illusion art was good fun!”

David/ Joe ” Revising numeracy for our SNASA was enjoyable.”

Pola/ Zosia/ Julia ” Learning about contractions and how they are used was interesting! ”

Kayla/ Suhan ” We enjoyed the reading comprehension passage based on Scotland .”

John/ Rebekah ” Learning about Hindu Gods was interesting.”

Congratulations to David S who was nominated for our hot chocolate winner this week.

Hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

Mrs Lea and Primary 4 A



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