St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A Week Beginning 25th March


P3A have had an eventful Easter themed week with many RE lessons about Holy Week.  I hope the photographs below help to share some of the learning experiences the children had this week.

The highlight of our week was our fundraiser to conclude our learning about ‘Conservation of Wildlife’.  The children had previously voted for adopting a hawksbill turtle, one of the endangered animals they learned about this term.   The children sorted their coins and placed them on the corresponding turtle picture.  Through discussion, we decided to group the 1ps, 2ps and 5ps into tens to make it easier to find the total.  Thank you to our fantastic P7 helpers who supported the children to count the coins.  We made a whooping £39.07!  We look forward to our cuddly toy, certificate and updates throughout the year on the valuable work of the WWF, made possible through schemes such as adopting an animal.  We are glad to play a small part in taking care of God’s creatures.  We also know that being responsible citizens by recycling our rubbish and reusing paper can contribute to less plastic in the oceans and less trees (animal habitats) being cut down.  These small actions can help conserve our wildlife too.

I hope you all have a lovely Easter holiday.  I cannot believe we are going to be entering into our final term upon our return!

Mrs Brown

week with

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