St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

EGGcellent Easter News


We were very EGGcited at our Easter assembly today as we had lots of good news to share.

Book Week
The winners of our Guess the Book competition were Hameedah from P2, Damian from P5 and Nikola from P6.  Mrs Timmins was the staff winner.  They were rewarded with some books and an Easter treat.  Thank you to Miss Stebbing and the Reader Leaders for organising this event.

PFA Easter Compeitions
We were very excited to learn the winners of the Easter competition run by the PFA.  In the Infant ‘Name the Bunny’ event, the winner chosen by drawing a name from the hat was Tyler T from P1 who won a lovely squishy bunny and some Easter treats.  He named the bunny Adam!
In the upper ‘Guess the Number of Eggs’ event, there were 5 correct guesses of 35 eggs.  The winners chosen by drawing the names out were Jessica in P6 and Joshua in P7.
A huge thank you to the PFA for organising this event to raise funds for the school.  A total of almost £250 was made.

House Winners
The winning house for this term, by a very small margin, was St Margaret’s House, who will enjoy a movie treat tomorrow morning.  Congratulations to everyone in St Margaret’s.

Easter Egg donation
Rab’s Bar in Deans very kindly donated an Easter Egg for every child in our school and ELC (as well as all of the other schools in the area).  These have been sent home with the children today (with advice not to eat this until they have your permission).  We are very grateful for this generous donation and the thought to provide this lovely treat for all of our children.

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