Dear Readers,
We hope you are all well.
We are going to start by thanking all the parents and carers for coming once again to our school and for joining us for our Outdoor Assembly! It was lovely having you all here working collaboratively with your children, and being taught what to do by them!We have great pictures of absolutely amazing birds’ nests which made us all very proud. Having our own Woodlands is paramount for us to experience Outdoor learning and we are very grateful for that. It was really amazing sharing our experiences in the Woodlands with our families and carers!
Some of this week’s highlights were also linked to the preparation of the Assembly and to our Science Climate Smarter Project:
- Learning to identify different trees by the characteristics of their wood and shapes of their leaves. We have also been learning about the different types of wood and their uses: for building houses/other buildings, for flooring, for furniture, for pallets, for decking and fencing, etc. This will be very important when we start choosing the materials for our Climate Smarter Eco School Model, of course, so the children made lots of notes about this to use very soon.
- Working hard on reading aloud in order to audition for our roles in the Assembly, always focusing on being clear, loud and using expression. It’s important to say that around 90% of the pupils from our class have worked super hard learning how to read fluently the parts in order to audition for them. This was amazing for their learning and make us all proud of our friends’ effort!
- In Numeracy and Maths, we have started by revising the 2,3 and 4 times tables and their close relation to division and have then moved on to using them in our multiplication sums of one by up to five digits. It was very good and the children kept on asking for more. We will continue next week with the 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables.
- As usual, we have had our weekly spelling assessment with the words learned this week and practised daily in class. Let’s see how good our scores are this week…
- In RE we have finished our learning on the Seven Sacraments and I hope your children can tell you all about them.
After having had new places to sit in class, we congratulate the Order of the Phoenix table for having won our weekly trophy! Well done, Order!
We did not have time to award the Hot Chocolate of the week but will hopefully do it on Monday and will let you know about it next week.
Once again thank you very much for your participation on Friday and we wish all a great weekend and week ahead!
P5A and Mrs Valente