St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 15/3/24


Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 4 have had another busy week!

In numeracy, we have continued to develop our understanding of division  strategies we can use to solve calculations.  We have also practised using our skills to solve word problems.

In literacy, we have been looking at non- fiction passages for reading comprehension. We have discussed layout, questions and headings etc.

Primary 4 have continued to research Scottish landmarks and have enjoyed reporting interesting facts back to our classmates.

Here are some of our highlights:

Ruari and Aiden,- ” We really enjoyed the judo session on Thursday with the coach!”

Julia- ” Researching information about Scottish Landmarks was good fun! ”

Pola- ” I liked developing my understanding of division.”

Rebekah and Babafola- ” Designing our own bridges was interesting.”

Nathan and Kyle-” Finding information and answering questions on the  passage about pandas was interesting !

Congratulations to Ruari on being our hot chocolate winner this week!

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Lea and Primary 4A

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