St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 1/3/24


Dear Parents and Carers ,

Primary 4A have had an amazing week, full of exciting learning!

In Numeracy, we have been learning about division and sharing our strategies to solve calculations. some of us found it quite tricky but we still enjoyed it!

Our class have been learning about narrative writing and how to use the appropriate layout. We are all excited about completing our first imaginative story!

In P.E, we have continued to develop our handball skills and knowledge of basic rules.  We played a passing game where the team who managed to complete 10 passes with no interception got a point.  The first team to get 10 points was the winner!

During art, we have been working hard to finish our recycling robots which are now nearly complete!

Our class enjoyed our school assembly today where we learnt about stations of the cross and prepared for our Feast Day Mass next week. Kayla, along with other leader readers , gave us information about our World Book Week. There are lots of interesting activities and competitions.

Congratulations to Aiden on being our hot chocolate winner this week !

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Lea and P4A


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