St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 23rd February 2024


This week we have started learning about throwing and catching in PE. We practised rolling the ball to each other and we had to make sure that our partner was ready to catch the ball. Ask us how we know they are ready.

In Literacy, we have been learning about the ‘wh’ sound. We have been reading words with this sound and trying to spell the words too. In writing, we wrote a group information report all about flowers. All of the staff were very impressed with how confident we were in saying a sentence.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been learning all about money. We have been identifying different coins and learned about how to put the coins in order from the lowest to the highest amount. We have had lots of fun playing in our class shop and using the coins to pay for items. We also learned about using a card to pay for things and we know that we need money in the bank for this.

In RE, we read the book Creation and talked about how God made the world. We also talked about how we need to look after the world.

Our new topic is all about Under the Sea. We found out about the different oceans of the world and then sorted animals into the correct habitat of land or ocean. We are going to make a big display in our classroom and we loved pretending to swim in the sea beside the blue board.

For Outdoor Learning, we went outside to look for signs of Spring. We were looking at the buds on the trees in the playground but unfortunately the rain started to get very heavy and we had to come in. We are going to go back out next week and see if we can see anything else growing in the playground and the woodland.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Dawid – I enjoyed playing outside.

Zuraib – I enjoyed reading the common words.

Daisy – I enjoyed writing the information reports.

Sophia – I enjoyed playing in the area.

Tyler T – I enjoyed playing with the shop.

Eliza – I enjoyed colouring.

Miss Stebbing – I was very impressed with everyone using the money to pay for items in the shop. I even got a chance to scan the items!

Congratulations to Zuraib who is our Hot Chocolate Winner this week and to Peyton who is our Reading Champion.




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