Dear Readers,
We hope you have had a great holiday and a good week back.
Although this was a shorter week, we still managed to do lots of interesting things and our highlights were the following:
- Celebrating World Social Justice week, which links to Rights number 26 and 27. We have learned what the United Nations are, their role in the world and the role of the Security Council. There are five countries permanently in the Security Council and ten which are elected for two year periods in an attempt to give all the countries the opportunity to experience taking part in its decisions. The class didn’t agree with the fact that there are five permanent countries which always get to be there and decided that it was unfair regarding the other countries. Also, after a big class discussion, we have concluded that unfortunately, given the fact that there are currently at least two big wars happening in the world, the Security Council is not being successful, since its role is to promote peace and social justice.
- Reading Comprehension about thunderstorms, what causes them and how we can prevent being in danger during one. This task was a bit tricky to the class and so we are going to continue working in our reading and understanding skills, as well as our predicting skills. Before reading the texts, or reading a chapter of our novel, we have been practising our prediction skills by trying to make educated guesses about what the text/chapter might be talking about. For example, if it is called Thunderstorms, what will it tell us about them? Why they appear? What are their consequences and so on. As this is not always easy, we are trying to get better at it every week.
- Our Writing lesson was about John Muir so, after having learned even more facts about him, we have written independently our Information Reports about his life. It was very enjoyable to see how well most of us knew how to structure an Information Report and how to organise our ideas.
- In Maths, we have continued working with decimal numbers and have practised putting them in the correct order from the smallest to the largest and identifying what each digit represents in a decimal number.
- We have also used our knowledge on decimal numbers to measure the diameter of our trees in the woodlands. This was linked to our Science work in the Climate Smarter Project.
- Learning about Lent and what it represents. We have thought about what we would give up for Lent, not only regarding food but also things we very much enjoy doing and that are not really needed. Praying more and Giving to Charity are also particularly important so we have thought about doing this as well.
- Going litter picking in the community – We all enjoyed the opportunity to once again help the environment but were very much shocked at the huge amount of rubbish collected in such a small area right beside the school! We have collected more than 30kg of rubbish in around 30 minutes! People do need to get better and stop littering!
- Free writing Friday – We were super enthusiastic and have asked Mrs Valente to share almost all our stories at the end! Super creativity!
We particularly congratulate Jemima, our Hot Chocolate of the Week, for her hard work and positive attitude throughout the week! Well done, Jemima!
We would also like to congratulate the Cursed Child Table for always following our rules! Well done, Cursed Child Table!!!!
That’s all for now, we say goodbye wishing you all a lovely weekend!
P5A and Mrs Valente