St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A Week Beginning 5th February 2024


Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Blue Table:

Caleb enjoyed our learning about the history of West Lothian.  We recapped some of the learning from P2 about James Young and his role in mining and the shale mountains we see throughout West Lothian.

Chahiti liked making Valentines Day cards.

Alicaj and Rory loved benchball.  The hall was free for 2 slots this week so the children had some extra PE time to play their favourite game.  As always,  I am impressed with the teamwork that takes place in this game and the strategies the children use to score.

Ethan liked eating ‘soft c’ foods and evaluating them.  The children tasted cereal (Ethan’s favourite), rice and celery and like last week, recorded how they felt about the foods.  The evaluation this week however, had an extra section about why they liked or did not like the food.

My highlight was our lesson, ‘Jesus was a Jew’.  We watched a short clip of a Jewish girl who showed us around her house.  The children were amazed to hear that Jewish people do not mix meat and milk and have 2 separate sinks, 2 sets of separate cutlery drawers and 2 sets of dishes so as to keep these foods separate!  We know that Jewish people pray in a synagogue.  We realised that we as Christians, have many similarities with the Jewish faith.  Some of those are special prayer books, a place of worship and we have holy water fonts whereas they have mezuzahs at their front door.  Mrs Brown shared with the children that when she was growing up, she had a holy water font next to her front door and each time she went in and out of the door, she blessed herself.  The children are excited to have a font in their classroom too in case they wish to do the same.

Congratulations to Rory, our hot chocolate award winner this week and Caiden, our Reading Champion!

Lead Learners were Twida and Tvisha.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Twida – “I liked music with Mrs Morrison.”

Tvisha – “I liked playing in the ‘Soft c’ café.”

I hope you all have a good February break and I will see you on Tuesday 20th.



Mrs Brown

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