St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5B Weekly Blog 2nd February 2024


Primary 5B learning this week was interesting and varied. On Monday we continued to develop our spelling skills as well as exploring a range of sentence openers and connectives to uplevel our writing skills. In our PE lessons we continue to explore our Gymnastic skills by working with our partners to demonstrate counter balances and include it in a short presentation.  Everyone had fun learning to code a programme which turned the lights on with a clap of their hands once they transferred the programme to their microbits. They hope to use these skills in their eco school models.

This week in math we continued to learn about recognising and matching equivalent fraction, decimals and percentages. We continued to learn how to measure accurately using rulers and measuring tapes. In RRSA we explored Articles 2, 13, 17 and discussed ways to reduce inequalities and respect the rights of others by treating everyone the way we wish to be treated.

As part of our John Muir Topic used our research to write information reports. Pupils chose parts of his life and legacy to share in their reports. They also created their own John Muir portraits with one of his inspirational quotes included. In  the woodlands we cleared some twigs and branches from the ground and set them aside to dry so that they can be used at a later date. We continued to explore different types of wood for building, insulation and cladding. On Friday morning we had an assembly with Mrs McKissack and she told us we have visitors coming to see how good we are at learning and find out about our Rights Respecting Journey. We are still waiting to find out if we have achieved the Gold Award but we are very hopeful.

We hope everyone has a great weekend.

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