St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 5B Weekly Blog 26th January 2024


P5B had an interesting learning week. On Monday we developed our vocabulary and spelling skills. We also are learning to work in trios during gymnastics developing balance and travel across mats and benches. This week as part of God’s loving plan we looked at the changed in our bodies from birth to present time. We looked at our ability to use our bodies in different ways as we grew, walking, talking, dressing ourselves, coming to school, exercise and fitness. The best part of the day was developing our coding skills with microbits. We learning to create a code to turn the microbit into a dice when shaken. Then we created a code to send messages to our partner. We will be practising this again next week because it was tricky.

This week in math we worked on recognising finding amounts of fractions and recognising equivalent fractions. We are also working on our measurement skills by measuring objects around the class. Next week we hope to measure trees in our woodlands, this will help us calculate their age as well. We investigated different types of wood and are using this to help plan what our Eco School Building should be built from.

As part of our John Muir Topic we carried out a lot of research into his farmer, inventor, naturalist, philosopher, writer, botanist, zoologist, geologist and environmentalist. He is an amazing character and he made a significant impact while he was alive and his legacy or raising environmental issues is still important today. As the woodlands were out of bounds, until loose branches were cleared,  on Thursday afternoon we walked along the path looking out for the different local birds we have.

Fresh air was appreciated after all the storms this week.  We hope everyone has a great weekend.

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