St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A Week Beginning 22nd January 2024



Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Red table:

Jack liked Number Talks.  As reported a previous week, the children estimate how many items they can see and use clues to work out the correct answer.  They then check to see if their estimate was correct.  This particular Number Talk is a class favourite!

Tvisha loved listening to the bagpipes on Burns Day.  Mrs Brown played her favourite song, ‘Highland Cathedral’.

Grace enjoyed learning about the Trinity; that God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are one.  We used the analogy of an egg to help us understand this.  The shell, yoke and white are all part of the egg.  Of course, we also learned about St Patrick and the shamrock too!  The children sang a song called, ‘The Trinity is a Mystery’.  It can be found here:

Zion said his highlight was the football after school club.

Caiden’s was iron bru and shortbread.  A special Scottish treat!  Thank you to Mrs McKissack for providing the tasty shortbread.

Twida liked tracing the map of West Lothian for our wall display.  He and Zion worked as part of a team to prepare this.  Good job boys!

Deveena liked Scottish country dancing with Mrs Ross during PE.  Mrs Ross explained that the dance, called ‘The Flying Scotsman’ was named after famous train in Scotland.  She was very impressed with how fast the children picked this dance up!

My highlight was the performances of the Burns poems the children orally composed (some went on to write them for our Star Writer wall).  First, we listened to his poem, To a Mouse (found here: and used nature to inspire our own poems.  We went to the local river and wooded area.  We used our senses to record ideas for our poems.  Once back in class, we worked in  pairs to compose our own poem like Burns did.  We selected 2 words from our note taking outside and using the internet, researched the word in Scots.  The children had the choice if they wanted to perform their poem in front of the rest of the class and most did!  What confidence!

Congratulations to Zion, our hot chocolate award winner and Grace, our reading champion this week!

Lead Learners were Alicaj and Rory.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Alicaj – “I liked going to the river.”

Rory – “I liked weaving to make our own tartan.”


Mrs Brown

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