St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2/1 Learning Highlights 26th January 2024


Another fun and busy week in P2/1

In literacy, P1 have learned the sounds w and ng. P2 has focused on the digraph ue and ew. P1 wrote great sentences about the wind which was very appropriate after our stormy week at school. We learned about Robert Burns, P1 drew a menu for a Burns Supper and P2 wrote a fact file about Robert Burns.  They also used iPads/search engines to look up the meaning of Scottish words. We also used pencils and drew Scotland’s national flower the Thistle.  Mrs Russell was very impressed with our drawings.

Maths P2 looked at subtraction within 30 and missing number subtraction, they are doing amazing and learning different strategies to help them with their counting.  P1 have been working on subtraction using concrete materials.

PE This week we focused on balance and making different shapes with our body.  We We also worked on balance with a partner and together they had to make a 5 point balance.  We have started looking at rolls and we worked on making a pencil roll.

This week we started God’s Loving Plan.  P1 discussed the importance of their name and why their parents chose their name.  P2 looked at how they have grown and changed since they were a baby.  We had a class discussion about people who help us at home and at school.

To celebrate Burns Day we got to have a taster of haggis, neeps and tatties.  We also had some Irn Bru and shortbread.  We got to sit in the area with the other infant classes and we decorated our tables with our own designs.  We listened to Scottish poems and acted out heids, shooders, knaps and taes together.

We have loved making our Café/Restaurant for our role play we made a closed/open sign and menus for people to use.  We have also enjoyed exploring the Block Play and making our own creations.

Today we celebrated 100 days of being in Primary One and Two.  We are 100 days smarter!  We completed lots of different tasks: we used 100 coloured stickers to make our own pictures and used 100 paper cups to make structures.  We also designed our own crowns.  P1 also got to complete some tasks with their buddies.

Congratulations to Daniel our Hot Chocolate winner.  Well Done to Orange Table our winning table of the week, and congratulations to Victoria our Reading Champion.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

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