St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 21/1/24


Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 4 have had a busy week with lots of new learning!

In literacy,we have been learning about the structure and layout of information reports in preparation for our shared writing example!

During our maths lessons, we developed our knowledge of  angles and how they are used in the real world. We also learnt how to identify obtuse, reflex and acute angles.  During number talks, we continued to explain our preferred strategies for solving multiplication calculations.

In gymnastics, we worked on our floor routines, incorporating a balance, travelling and rolls!  We enjoyed performing and giving feedback on each others work.

Our new topic this term is recycling and we enjoyed watching a clip explaining the importance of recycling, and  it’s impact on the planet. We then worked in pairs to sort items into the correct rubbish and recycling bins!

We enjoyed continuing to read more about our class novel ” The Boy at the Back of the Class.”  We discussed challenging vocabulary and made predictions.

Congratulations to Julia on being our hot chocolate winner this week ! Well done!

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Lea and Primary 4A




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