St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3B Update


Hello families!

I don’t know about home, but this week for us has passed so fast!

We have had a packed week full of fun learning! We started looking at multiplication strategies which the children loved! Reesa and Georgia-Rose went on a school tour to showcase their fantastic new learning! We have been developing our strategies (repeated addition and skip counting) using the four times table.

For STEM the children have loved our ‘Tuff Challenge’ using screws and bolts and putting their innovation and critical thinking in action! Ishaan liked creating a helicopter and Lilly created a cutting device!

The children have been working together during our collaborative working time! They choose their learning and have been creating their own Kahoots – all independently! I was very impressed! TJ loved helping his classmates with Minecraft education! Fantastic!

Mahathi, Elvin and Aaron enjoyed making habitats for small animals using Lego! They are doing so well on our global goals journey!

The class loved discussing their rights, they even love shouting “we have rights” out loud! They want the world to hear! They sorted the A-Z of rights and created a poster with the rights associated with their name! “We have the right to a name” – Ciara!

They have been creating their pupil heroes, using cut outs and different materials for literacy and technology! They made an huge mess! But we’re VERY quick to clean it up! So much so the cleaning staff commented on how sparkling the classroom was!

In literacy, we are looking at developing sentences! This week we focused on joining sentences together with “and, but, so or because”. We linked this to our first level targets!

well done P3! Keep up the great work!


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