St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 5B Weekly Blog 19th January 2024


Welcome back to school. Happy New Year everyone.

I have added the Learning overview for the Term 3

2324P5-learning overview term 3

This is our second week back in school and a very interesting one it has been for everyone. On Monday we got back to homework. We worked on our new spelling patterns and math activities linked to multiplication and division. We have been learning about traditional Scots language as well.

This term in math we are learning about Fractions, Decimals and Percentages using our knowledge of multiplication and division to help us. We will also be developing our measuring skills both in class and in the woodlands (once the weather is less cold).




Last week we started developing our coding skills and were able to create a code for a walking dog and for a changing smiley, OK, sad face. We then transferred this code to our microbits. It was very cool. On Monday, this week we developed our coding skills by making flashing hearts and shapes using timing in our code. Each pupil created a code to create a moving name tag.

On Tuesday we had our Spanish and Music lessons. Mrs Morrison gave out instructions to the pupils how to clean their recorders, she also gave them a special tool to clean them with. All pupils have been asked to take their recorders home, practice the next piece and only bring them to school on Tuesday.

On Wednesday we had visitors from UNICEF and from West Lothian Council. They came to assess our school for the Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award. They were very impressed by the pupils they spoke to and the examples of children’s work they saw around the school. Fingers crossed we should hear in a few weeks if we have been successful in obtaining this amazing award. The absolute  highlight of our week was our trip to Dean’s High to take part in our swimming assessment. Everyone had a great time (and the water was warm).

On Thursday we investigated the different type of local trees and whether they would be strong enough to build with rather than steel and concrete which is very bad for the environment. In small groups pupils have begun to work on the plan for their ECO school. We shared our opinions about the order of importance that trees have in our daily lives.




Today as part of our Children’s Rights lesson we explored the life of Martin Luther King Jr and listened to a little part of his famous “I have a dream” speech. We then wrote down a few of our own dreams for the future.





Have a great week everyone.

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