St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A Week Beginning 15th January 2024


Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Blue Table:

Ollie said the learning highlight of his week was tracing around the outline of a map of West Lothian.  Ollie did a super job and concentrated very hard to record the town names and the 2 motorways and train line that runs across West Lothian.

Ethan loved music with Mrs Morrison when the class learned some songs and stories about heroes of Troy.

Rory LOVED a game we played to learn how many days were in each month of the year.  The children got in to a circle and each child had to say one word that collectively made up the memorable rhyme, “30 days has September, April, June and November”….etc.  If the child got their word wrong, they were out.  Rory was part of the group of winners!  Well remembered Rory!  Next week’s maths homework will involve going over this memorable rhyme.

Alicaj enjoyed gymnastics and reported that her favourite movement was the ‘bridge’.

Chahiti has been enjoying our new starter activities in the morning that keep the children productively busy while dinners and daily emotion check-ins take place.  The starter activities this week included a choice of 3.  1. An activity about our new daily common word, 2. An activity that reinforced learning from our Number Talks, or 3. The daily number challenge.

Caleb liked this week’s Word Boost story, Black Dog and his favourite word was ‘demand’.

My highlight was the discussion P3A had about what our new role-play area could be.  We had some super ideas but decided to go with Angel’s idea of creating a West Lothian visitors centre!  The children traced maps and are currently working on gathering research that will then feed into leaflets that we will make next week about: transport, hotels, restaurants, famous people, landmarks and the history of West Lothian.  The children are very enthusiastic about the visitor’s centre!  Their enthusiastic is infectious!  Thank you Angel for this great idea!

Congratulations to Angel, our hot chocolate award winner this week!

Lead Learners were Diana and Chahiti.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Diana – “I enjoyed checking everyone was behaving in the cloakroom.”

Chahiti – “I liked the story, ‘Going on a Train’ and answering the questions.”



Mrs Brown

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