St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A Week Beginning 8th January 2024


Hello P3A families,

Happy New Year!  I hope you all had a restful break overt the holidays.  I swear the children have all grown!  I was so happy to see everyone again and the children enjoyed being back at school and seeing their friends.  Our daily emotions check-in did see quite a few names pegged to the ‘sleepy’ emotion stone for the first few days but thankfully as the week progressed, that changed.  I think we are all back to our early morning start routines now.

Here are this week’s highlights from the Yellow table:

Riley loved football with Miss White and scored 10 times!  Whow!

Diana enjoyed our winter themed art called, ‘Catching Snowflakes’.  I have posted each child’s on their Seesaw if they were present for this activity.

Laura said the best learning highlight for her this week was a lesson taken by Mrs Brand about keeping safe at home.

Vivien loved our first gymnastics lesson and was proud to model some of the basic moves to the rest of the class to practise.  Thank you Vivien.

Linda really enjoyed making a class calendar.  The children worked in pairs to research a given month’s key dates to add to the calendar.  Linda and her partner had the month of February.  Linda is looking forward to Valentine’s Day.

Hasika loved benchball.  This is a favourite PE game for P3A.  I am always amazed at the super teamwork when I watch the children play and the strategies that ensure their team scores.

Aadya said the best part of her week was Number Talks.  This week the children have continued with a Number Talk we started before Christmas called ‘Esti Mystries’.  They need to estimate how many of x they see in a jar.  Using a 100 square, the children work with their partner to eliminate numbers that are not in the jar using different clues.  For example, ‘The number is bigger than 47’ so they need to score out the numbers less than 47 etc until only a few options are left.  The aim of the lesson is to see if their estimate was correct.

Angel LOVED Word Boost Corners.  Each day (or most days), the children listen to the same story and listen out of key vocabulary.  We then explore that vocabulary.  We usually have 5 or 6 words.  By the end of the week, the children can orally join in with the story.  Such good listeners!  On Fridays, the children will play Word Boost Corners.  It is a game that promotes the reading of the words also.  Plus, it is fun to dance around the room with your friends.

Olivia enjoyed a game we played this week as a means of revising our common words.  If the child could read the common word, they got to roll the paper up and throw it into a basketball hoop Mrs Brown wore on her head.  The paper was in the recycling bin already so no trees were harmed in the making of this game!  Next time, Mrs Brown has suggested we write the words on small balls to throw as only 1 person shot and scored!  It was tricky!


My highlight was our discussion on New Year’s Resolutions.  We talked about things we could try to do to become better people.  Some examples were cleaning rooms, helping parents around the house more, drinking more water and eating more fruit and vegetables.  We decided that one way to eat more fruit and vegetables was to have ‘FRUIT FRIDAYS’ in P3A (if our parents had any on that day – we discussed how fresh food goes out of date quickly).  An encouragement to eat it will be a sticker reward.  The children are looking forward to starting this next week and loved the new stickers Mrs Brown has for this health promotion task.

Congratulations to Alicaj, our hot chocolate award winner this week and Tvisha, our Reading Champion!

Lead Learners were Laura and Zion.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Laura – “I liked making common words out of playdoh.”

Zion – “I enjoyed benchball.”

Look out for a separate blog post this weekend that will show you some of the learning experiences your child will experience this coming term.


Mrs Brown

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