St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

This week in P2/1


It was lovely to have everyone back this week, they were all excited to see each other and to share their stories.

We started the week discussing New Year’s resolutions and we all came up with hopes of things we want to achieve this new year.

This week we started new learning on subtraction, thinking about different strategies we can use to answer a subtraction calculation.

In Literacy, P1 have been learning the sounds r and v, P2 have been learning the vowel digraphs oe (toe) and ow (blow). For writing P1 wrote about a toy, describing what the toy was like. P2 listened to the story ‘Couch Potato’ and focused on writing a good sentence recalling the activities the potato did instead of being a couch potato. P1 drew pictures to show these activities.

We have a big focus just now on high frequency words and we are all encouraged to practise these as much as we can at home. In class P2 played a snakes and ladders came with them and P1 did some dictation work, where we had to sound out words and use our knowledge of high frequency words to build a sentence.

We hope all our families have a rested weekend and we will look forward to lots of learning next week.

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