Dear Readers,
We hope you are all very well and super proud of your children who have been absolutely amazing in their Enterprise Showcase Assembly. They have shown beautiful and confident singing and acting which made the whole staff who have helped them to prepare for it very proud as well. The products sold were just fantastic and we could see parents, carers and families holding many things they had bought because they were all so lovely that they just couldn’t resist many of them!
As you will understand, the highlights of the week were all linked to their performance:
- Practising their songs.
- Practising their speaking parts with and without microphone.
- Practising playing the recorders.
- Working hard on their products to have them finished and dazzling in time for you all to come, admire and buy them!
- Practising again how to give change from a given amount – Mrs Valente was really proud because all stalls managed to independently sell their products without any need for help! Super Maths skills! Here are just some pictures of the many beautiful products while they were being made, and others right before they had been put on sale last Friday:
After our amazing Enterprise, it was time to attend our Middle Area Advent Service to celebrate the 3rd week of Advent by lighting the 3rd candle of our Advent wreath. This pink candle, the only one which is pink, symbolizes Joy. May the Joy brought to our hearts by the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ fill our hearts and may the Little Holy Baby heal all the ones who need it.
P5A and Mrs Valente