St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

This week in P2/1


We have had another great week in P2/1. Lots of great learning from all the children.

This week we decorated our class Christmas tree and started to open our advent calendar. We are all excited to get a chocolate coin.

We have also been practicing games and dances for our upcoming Christmas parties. P2 have learned a dance to the Grand Old Duke of York song. The P1 children have been practicing hard for their Nativity performances next week. We got to try on our costumes and are all very excited to show our families our fantastic show.

This week P2 were writing a descriptive piece about a remote control car. They are learning to use the Descriptive Bubble to describe things. P1 listened to the story of Jack Frost and wrote a fantastic sentence describing Jack Frost. The whole class made a brilliant craft of Jack Frost.

In Maths, P1 and P2 have continued their learning of addition strategies looking this week at addition using number lines. P2 have also been learning about double numbers.

We were all very excited to make a Santa’s Workshop role play area. Well done to Connor whose sign design won the P2 creative challenge.

Well done to Jeremy who is our Hot Chocolate winner this week.

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