St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Learning Highlights P2/1 1st December 2023


This week we have been learning the sounds ‘u’ and ‘d’ and ‘igh’ and ‘y’ P1 have been using the magnetic letters to make lots of words and also matching the word to the correct pictures.

In writing, P1 wrote the sentence The cat sat on the Mat and drew a detailed picture.   P2 have been working hard on Descriptive writing and learning what information we need to add to tell our audience about a toy.  We have been learning about verbs, nouns and adjectives.

In maths, we have been working on our addition skills and quick recall of numbers within 10.  P2 have been working on missing addends and more than/less than.

In RE, we learned about St Andrew. He was one of Jesus’ friends and he was a fisherman. P2 told the P1 information about St Andrew that they learned for their assembly.  We celebrated St Andrew’s Day by making tartan pictures and having shortbread and Irn Bru. It was delicious! We also learned about Advent and we are making an Advent Wreath for our class.

This week P1 practised on the stage for the first time for our Nativity.  We are working really hard and our teachers are very proud of us.

This week we had class visits to St Peter’s Church for Friday morning mass.  P2 went on Wednesday and P1 went today (Friday). Fr Clement said we were very welcome and sang us a little song about Jesus.  Some of the ladies at mass said we were very well behaved.

We also decorated our classroom door for Christmas.  We all worked really hard as a class to produce it and it has turned out amazing.  All doors in the school have been decorated and we will all vote for the winning door.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Amelia– I liked making crafts

Rhain – I liked the shortbread.

Ahmed – I liked playing with the Lego.

Leighton – I liked practising on the stage.

Mrs Russell – I was very proud of everyone and their good behaviour at Church.

Well done to Alexander who is our Reading Champion and to Amelia who is our Hot Chocolate winner this week.  Congratulations to the Purple Table our winning table this week.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone stay safe and wrap up warm when out and about.


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