St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5B Weekly Blog 24th November 2023


This week we have been learning about the ABCDE of our rights, learning about the key words which explain how important Children’s Rights are :A =  Universal for ALL children, B = Inherent – There from BIRTH, C= Inalienable CANNOT be taken away, D = Unconditional DO Not have to be earned (enjoy them) and E = Indivisible EQUALLY important.

We have been taking part in a novena to St. Margaret of Scotland. She was a devout Christian, and dedicated much of her time and energy to charitable works. We trust in God’s help in the dark moments of our lives, and we pray for our families, peace in the world and the strength to repair Climate Change.

This week we started learning some Scottish Country Dances. We have also been rehearsing Christmas Songs and Recorder music as we prepare for the P5 Christmas Enterprise.

We are continuing to carry out Science Challenges investigating Wind and Hydropower. One of the challenges was creating a floating wind turbine.







We are also developing our literacy by creating persuasive writing and product posters. In math skills we are practising using money so that we can give the correct change. We are also working on measuring angles as this is important for where we put our solar panels and the rotors for our wind turbines.

A few very busy weeks to come as we prepare for Christmas. Have a great weekend everyone.

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