St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 4A Learning Highlights. 10/11/23


Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 4 have had another busy week!

We have been learning about Diwali , the festival of light. Our class made beautiful rangoli patterns. We have also been learning about Article 38 which states that children under the age of 15 should not go to war. Our class designed posters based on our learning and class discussions. We have also been  learning about the events which take place on Remembrance Sunday. We all designed poppies and used them to create a wreath which has brightened up our classroom window. Primary 4 have been thinking about how to prevent people dropping litter in our local area. We discussed suitable slogans and then designed amazing posters. During Outdoor Learning, we went on a litter picking walk  and it was great fun!  In Numeracy lessons, we enjoyed  learning our 7 times table and practised skip counting! We also developed our understanding of subtracting 3 and four digit numbers.

Here are a few of our learning highlights:

Suhanth-” Sharing my knowledge of Diwali was good fun!”

David S- “Designing our posters and going on a litter picking walk was interesting.”

Zosia and Pola- ” We enjoyed learning about article 38 and designing posters.!”

Izaan – ” I enjoyed learning about how to subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers using the written method.”

Congratulations to Lucas who was our hot chocolate winner this week.

Have a super weekend !

Mrs Lea and Primary 4

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